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30Nov 20

The government’s steady economic restructuring and integration into the global economy have benefited its private sector, with phenomenal growth both in the number of private companies and their contribution to the nation’s GDP. These improvements have resulted in a thriving mergers and acquisitions market. Vu Thanh Le, CEO of LM Capital, discussed with VIR’s Hai Van the key to success in this promising market.

Domestic M&A Activities Bolstered By Private Sector

Domestic M&A activities bolstered by private sector

The government’s steady economic restructuring and integration into the global economy have benefited its private sector, with phenomenal growth both in the number of private companies and their contribution to…

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06May 20

Obviously Vietnam is still in a good shape despite all the challenges from Covid 19 around the World. Vietnam is well positioned for the next phase of growth!

Foreign Groups Step Up Plans To Enter Or Expand In Vietnam

Foreign groups step up plans to enter or expand in Vietnam

Vietnam has been chosen as the ideal destination for the “China+1” policy of HZO, a US-based company producing protective nano-coatings with an announcement on opening its very first manufacturing facility in Vietnam at Yen Phong Industrial Park in the northern province of Bac Ninh
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